Breaking the Stereotypes; A story of Mohsin Sheikh

I belong to Pakistan , country located in the Southern Part of Central Asia, with neighboring countries like India, Afghanistan and Iran.

One of the thing which is most common here to be seen is the stereotypes. Stereotypes, whether positive or negative, always lead to ruining one’s life.

I often related it to the quote of Nancy Kress:

“A stereotype may be negative or positive, but even positive stereotypes present two problems: They are cliches, and they present a human being as far more simple and uniform than any human being actually is.

One of the story I’m writing today is of my college-mate, Muhammad Mohsin Sheikh

Mohsin is a boy belonging to Middle-Class Urdu-speaking family. A 17-year old boy with a dream of becoming a Screen-writer and Film Director, he lives in a Downtown of Karachi, the hustle-bustle town of Jama Cloth Market.

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His father works as a gynecologist in one of the renowned Government Hospital of Karachi. Her mother is also a working lady, holding Pharm. D from University of Karachi. Not only that, Mohsin also have their Uncles, Aunts and their cousins as Ultrasound Specialist, Dentist, Ophthalmologist and so forth.

Belonging to such family where there is a large, inter-connected web that everyone can help him in studies, in his house job, and for finding a suitable job for him after studies. Although seeing such incentives and opportunities, Mohsin decided to make his own way and become a commander of his own ship. For him and for his family, Photography and Media would be very much new for them.

“I just wanted to make a film showing a common man’s struggle in getting in this Industry, and to show domestic problems in my movies and dramas.”

A versatile writer, debater and speaker, Mohsin has all the ingredients in is pen which would make him a success in the years to come. Fortunately, he also have the accessories which are required for the Film-making, like cameras, stands, Lighting system and a computer, for editing purposes. He also have great photography skills and can take gret still shots and can capture mesmerizing beauty of nature.

Check out his Instagram Account to check some of his Marvels : Click Here (100% Cyber-Secured)

Mohsin’s father, Muhammad Ashfaq, whose job area has been already discussed above, never stopped him from going into such field.

“Some people had to shatter their dreams because they don’t have their family support. But in my case, my parents are fully supportive and always pray for my best and shining future.”

The message of this blog is very much loud, clear and broad. DO LET YOUR CHILD THINK WHAT HE / SHE WANTED TO DO IN FUTURE.

There are many movies based on the same concepts. Like Taare Zameen Par, October Sky and 3 Idiots.

The point been clear is breaking a stereotype is very much important, not only for the one self, but for the whole community. They would see new faces, new creative ideas and would discover a new horizon of experiences.

Take an example of Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of US. He was a son of a peanut-farmer. If Mr. Reagan would become a peanut farmer, then the nation would not see a fearless leader like him, who took very bold steps in the history of US.

Similarly, Indian Cricketer Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, who was a son of a Marathi novelist. These people came into being when they explore the new horizon of this world.

I would wrap up my article with the quote of Elvis Presley. He said and I quote:

“Ambition is just a dream with a V8 Engine.”

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